Wednesday, August 3, 2011

200 words ~ Utmost Importance

Jake was a boy who loved to read. It kept his mind occupied and entertained, which was where he always found his safe place. Within the mind. But Jake was also terribly afraid of almost anything that involved any kind of fear or danger. However, because its ominous and intangible form took shape anywhere. Shadows, color... night. The thing he feared the most, was the dark. It wasn't so much the dark itself as it was the very things he could not see or even possibly know to be there. Jake noticed that his brother and friends were quickly becoming less and less afraid of things. Animals, heights... the dark. He also noticed they all hated reading and perhaps this was the reason. He was tired of waiting for the monster that was never there at night when he slept, so he followed his friends and quit reading. A year later he found himself being less and less careful. Less afraid. Unfortunately his carelessness would cost him. For late that night while he was sleeping peacefully, the unknown in the dark would strike. He should have chosen his imagination over fearlessness... because at least paranoia can keep one prepared for their own death.


DA Strong said...

part of the fun is keeping it exactly to 200 words. try to do that next time, haha.

SkyHawk said...

Well 2 of yours weren't... So I didnt haha, but alright

DA Strong said...

I just didn't tag them as 200 words; you can check and find that there are indeed 200 words in each :D

SkyHawk said...

I had done that yesterday but apparently when i brought it over to word to check the word count it didnt put spaces between some of the words :[ gay! but yes now we shall have that there fun! :D