Tuesday, August 2, 2011

200 Words--Dust and the Devil's Mouth

I was left in the cold dim air between existence and nothing.

“Hera?” I called.

But I already knew she was gone forever, and so I crawled across the cosmos until I found a home, a hundred years later. I suppose I should consider myself lucky. It’s a nebula that towers light years across and millennia can pass from one side to the other along its circumference.

We’re all still there, on a planet I formed from the dust and gas.

It was on one such planet that life formed; a trick Hera never taught me, so I had to wait for it to happen on its own.

You call the place I landed Devil’s Mouth, and I suppose it’s a proper name, for I am a devil, and things do tend to burn once they fall into it.

But do not mistake me for a god. Amber flows through my veins, not blood. I am a being of time, not space. I’ll fall back into the past once I grow tired of the present, or perhaps fling myself into the future as I wish.

I looked far ahead once.

But there was less there than here, so I left.

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