Friday, September 30, 2011

100 words - I shivered

Tree trunks lined the road, a mist rolling between them. Each footstep was hard and terrible.

The echoing of the siren songs rang behind me and I quickened my pace. From ahead, it sounded like a car accident; the terrible clash and tinkling of steel as the pieces fell to the ground afterward, except repeated.

I lifted my flashlight, pointing it at the trees on my right. Through the fog I could see the faint shapes of the ghosts shambling slowly in the evening air. One turned towards me and I pulled my illumination back ahead of me.

I shivered.


SkyHawk said...

Whoa neat!

is this possibly from that old story idea you had where the town fogs over and people start disappearing?

DA Strong said...

Maybe. It would have been an unintentional reference. I was just trying to be Halloweeny/spooky.

SkyHawk said...

haha well thats neat.... but where you thinking of ever writing that story or are you scraping it?

DA Strong said...

Well I guess I actually don't know exactly the story you're referring to so I guess I kind of have to scrap it maybe?