A Shapeless


Lucy Cogent and the Rapscallions 01 (second draft)
Micropages: 1, 2, 3, 4
Lucy Cogent and the Rapscallions 02 (second draft)
Lucy Cogent and the Rapscallions 03 (second draft)
Lucy Cogent and the Rapscallions 03.5 (second draft)
Lucy Cogent and the Rapscallions 04 (second draft)
Lucy Cogent and the Rapscallions 04.5 (second draft)
Lucy Cogent and the Rapscallions 05 (second draft)

Lucy Cogent and the Rapscallions 01-05

Valdis Hekate and the Fair Folk 06 (second draft)
Valdis Hekate and the Fair Folk 06.5 (first draft)
Valdis Hekate and the Fair Folk 07 (rough draft)
Valdis Hekate and the Fair Folk 08 (rough draft)
Valdis Hekate and the Fair Folk 09 (rough draft)
Valdis Hekate and the Fair Folk 10 (rough draft)

Lucy Cogent and the Umbrawraith 11 (rough draft)
Lucy Cogent and the Umbrawraith 12 (rough draft)
Lucy Cogent and the Umbrawraith 13 (rough draft)
Lucy Cogent and the Umbrawraith 14 (rough draft)
Lucy Cogent and the Sorrows 15 (rough draft)

Valdis Hekate and the Sorrows 16 (rough draft)
Valdis Hekate and the Sorrows 17 (rough draft)
Valdis Hekate and the Sorrows 18 (being written)

The rest of the story (being written)

Ending (far away)

Something else (a distinct possibility)

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